Thursday, November 1, 2012

Preemie Life - Cheetah Turned 1 - 9 1/2 months Adjusted

So once again we have reached the month of November, the month of NaBloPoMo, or blog everyday in November.  This will probably be the fifth year I've followed Bridget off this ridiculous cliff.  Considering I'm now only averaging about four post a month I predict I'll only make it the first week but here goes nothing.  Darn you Bridget, why do you have to be so cool!  DARN YOU!!!!

Anyway this is a good opportunity to get caught up on a few family post.  Three days ago we celebrated the birth of my third daughter, Cheetah, aka, Sweetie Petite, Sweet Pea, Rose, Rosie, Tiny Tornado, or TT for short.  Last year her birth 2 1/2 months early spiraled me into the worst year of my life.  It started when my water broke at 27 weeks on my birthday when I was home alone with three kids and couldn't remember the last time I felt her move.  I ended up on mandatory hospital bed rest praying my body would hold out 7 weeks so she could be born at 34 weeks, but being told I had only a 20% chance of not having her within two weeks.  Dr. J couldn't take any time off unless he took family leave which would put his residency back two months and would have resulted in two months of no pay.  Luckily my mother-in-law flew in to save the day.  She was amazing and the only thing keeping my life from becoming a complete disaster.  I sat in my bed for two weeks feeling like a ticking time bomb.  Finally something happened, only it wasn't what I'd mentally prepared for.  After a day of a terrible back ache (hello I always have back labor, why didn't I realize what was happening), my body went into labor and my sweet baby girl entered the world only three quarters cooked.  She was three pounds and rushed almost immediately to the NICU.  We didn't get to hold her until day three.  It would be months before she could come home.  It would take another six weeks after that before I could finally nurse her and wean her off the NG tube.  She scarred my heart with her separation, with her Bradys and Apnea, and her aspirations while eating.  I put more miles on my car then I ever had before.  I was more sleep deprived and in the end I yelled at doctors, something that for months I'd been able to avoid.  Since then she has grown and hit every mile stone necessary.  At her nine month appointment (61/2 month adjusted) the developmental pediatrician said she didn't have to see her anymore because she was amazing.  She is AMAZING!  We love this little baby so much.  She is our little miracle!  We are so thankful for all the blessings we saw with her birth and all the people that made it possible for us to take care of her.  Happy birthday Cheetah!  You are our heart!

(Prepare now mentally for picture overload.  I cut about half of these out but the kids are so cute I had to include so many!)

  How can I pick between these two pictures...I mean really!!!!

 She loves balloons!

 Someone at MOPS was giving this bouncer away and the girls from my old table snagged it for me because they knew I was looking for one.  We gave it to Cheetah and she LOVES IT!  She likes being in it to bounce and outside of it to play.

I'm a good walker folks!

 The spooky cake disaster!!!!  At least it tasted delicious!

 This is so delicious I think I'll rub some in my hair :)
 Cake for everyone!!!!

 Who needs a plate!

 Can I have some more?

 Gigi did our after dinner dishes :)

Someone needs a bath!

 Wait I can still eat cake in here!  


  1. I love the death grip on that spoon! So adorable!

  2. I have some pictures of me when I was little...boy does cheetah remind me of myself at that age, just a little more olive complected than I was. I should post some for you for comparison. Happy Birthday Cheetah! You are adorable!



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