
These are ridiculously hard to write because they have a tendency to come off pretentious.  I mean really what do you want to know about me?  If you are reading this site you probably know more than you could ever want..especially since I'm pretty sure my three readers include my sister and a couple friends, but on the off chance you've found this site while researching something like "Why my six year old is getting circumcised", Here are the basics.

Education: I have a bachelors degree in Zoology with a human biology emphasis, that I got at Brigham Young University.  Pretty much that just means I know how to run a fly assay.  I have a minor in Anthropology, because I love other cultures.  Someday I want to go back to school to become lawyer, nurse midwife, nutritionist....who knows, but I am determined to figure it out soon.

Family: I'm the oldest of nine children.  Four originals, two 1/2 siblings from my mom, three 1/2 siblings from my dad.  My father is Mexican.  I look it.  My mother is a white girl from the midwest.  Dad took off when I was seven.  Mom raised me.  She's a foodie/hippie elementary school teacher.  I have four children; a son and three daughters.  I've been married some number over a decade to the dashing dr. J.

Occupation: Right now I'm a stay at home mom.  I spend most of my days playing with my kids and actively avoiding housework.  I've been living in the midwest for over ten years while my hubby completed an MD/PhD (Comunity Health) and a med/ped residency.  When we first moved here I worked on several research teams.  After son number one I started doing part time work transcribing.  With four kids at home now I spend most of my time running after them and helping hubby.

Religion: I'm Mormon, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I was born and raised.  That being said I have very left leaning tendencies.  Well very left leaning for a Mormon girl, slightly left leaning for a midwestern girl.

Politics: Independent.  I vote but it doesn't have to be on party lines, but over the years I've definitely found myself closer and closer to Democrates, a point of contention with most of my extended family.

Interest: I love to garden.  I mostly cloth diaper and eat organic.  I recycle.  I enjoying cooking, but I hate washing dishes so eating out is still a treat.  I love to read.  I love mysteries, especially English writers but I now read mostly young adult fiction because they read fast.  I'm currently helping hubby on a study I co-designed.  I figured if I had to spend all this time helping anyways I might as well get my name on some publications.  We're working on physician migration from Jordan to the United States.  A hot topic when you think about all the doctors we are going to need here with the current medical/political scene.  I'm a closet TV junkie...thanks a lot Netflix. I'm frugal because of need and interest.  I blog as a way to keep my family up to date as well as a way of keeping a personal history for myself and someday my children.



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