Saturday, January 25, 2014
Gates Foundation Annual Letter
Foreign aid work is near and dear to my heart and the fact that Bill and Melinda Gates have chosen to dedicate their lives and their considerable resources to this work fills me with so much adoration and appreciation for them. This years annual letter took on critics of foreign aid and he really hit it out of the park. Leave it to Bill Gates to argue his points so fully :)
Playing Doctor
In other toy related news my children spent two weeks enjoying all the boxes that delivered Christmas toys. I told them that after break was over we'd toss them all. Due to the horrible weather, and the week of cancelled school following Christmas break they got an extra week with them. They spent a lot of time building cardboard forts and playing trains. Gigi dragged a box around full of books for three weeks, like 30 books. I'm not going to lie it did drive me a little bonkers, but they had a great time. Then true to my word as soon as school started up again I tossed them but by then they were just shells of their forever selves, covered in marker, crayon, and tape, cut and squished, pieces ripped off. They had more than served their purpose and I was proud to throw them in the recycling bin.
Another huge hit this year, things that glow. I found these m&m light sabers on clearance at Target for a dollar and picked up four as stocking stuffers. We have actual "full kid sized" light sabers that spring out, and glow and make noise, that cost $40, and I kid you not they love these ones just as much. I also got head light lamps at Costco 3 for $9. The kids are always wearing them. Often at night long after lights out well go in and find Gigi or Captain E reading with one on :)
Thursday, January 23, 2014
How Would You Spend Your $25
Typical Gigi she picked books. She is really getting into chapter books and Magic Treehouse books are some of her favorite. She also got an Ivy and Bean book to try out and a Ninjago book because she loves her brother and all his loves automatically become hers!
Captain E searched high and low and then came back to a new Wii game, a new Mario Wii game. He really loves these Mario games so it wasn't a surprise. Currently he is saving his money for Mario Party Nine. I don't know how he doesn't get bored of it, but Mario is a serious favorite.
Peach picked this little mermaid dress that plays music and lights up. It is so girly and over the top, it is sort of like a perfect lovely metaphor of my baby girl. I don't know what Peach is going to do with her life, the girl is smart, funny, and friendly but I have no doubt she will do it in style.
Cheetah picked this little water baby. I adore her. She has beautiful brown skin and eyes and she is about the size Cheetah was when she was born. I'm not kidding. I look at that little tiny head on that doll and that's where Cheetah was just a little over two years ago. Can't believe how much she's grown! It is amazing!!!
Monday, January 20, 2014
Home Hair Cut Catastrophe: You Only have 20 Minutes Until You Need ToLeave For Church
This actually happened. I have the photographic evidence. Of course this is after he "fixed" the back, turning his mullet into a bowl. I would like to point out that when Cheetah does things like dump applesauce on her head, scale cribs or cabinets, or figure out ways to run the neighborhood that she got these traits from her father and not from me because apparently neither of them should be left alone in the bathroom for very long. How is one suppose to respond to this type of ridiculousness? I sort of laughed and cried, and then I told him to put a hat on and take himself to the barber. To you wives who can cut your husbands hair and it doesn't look like this, I applaud you, but it is totally worth $120 a year to me to have someone else do this job, because I'm pretty sure that even without blind eyes this is about as a good a job as I could do. The irony of this is we have a no hair cutting in the house EVER RULE! I never trim the kids hair at home, never, ever, ever. We always go out to have it done and I make a super big deal of it each and every time we do. Almost the entire time we are out I chant, "WE ONLY EVER DO THIS AT THE BARBER!" "WE ONLY EVER LET SOMEONE CUT OUR HAIR WHO HAS GONE TO SCHOOL TO TRAIN TO DO IT!" "WE NEVER CUT OUR OWN HAIR AND WE NEVER CUT ANY OTHER PERSON'S HAIR!". So far it has paid off and I have yet to have to deal with a home haircut catastrophe....well that was until yesterday. Luckily my children are better behaved than my spouse.
So as we headed out the door to church Dr. J headed to the barber with a hat on. He told me that when it was his turn, he sat in the chair and asked the beautician if she was good at fixing mistakes. She said she was and then he pulled the hat off. Heaven knows what she thought. I just hope she didn't think it was me!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
The Worst Week Of The Year So Far
Do you ever just start to feel like maybe you are in some kind of cosmic bad joke loop, well that is how the last few weeks have felt. After the miscarriage that went forever finally cleared I thought, "OK, now maybe I'm going to start to feel normal again." Start to feel normal again. What was I thinking. The last few weeks in this house have just sort of been a disaster. It started with massive sinus congestion causing constant pain and headache. It got to the point where I actually started to believe I was dying. I mean really. Maybe I'm a little bit of a hypochondriac but the headache actually started when I was finishing off the medication for the miscarriage...the one that said if you get a headache call your doctor and at the same time I started getting this weird tingly pain in both my calves. I stopped taking the medication immediately and figured the symptoms would clear but in a week when hadn't and the headache just kept getting progressively worse. I seriously was starting to think I had blood clots that had broken off and were going to kill me. Dr. J told me it was probably a sinus infection and that I was freaking out over nothing but when it didn't get better, when I couldn't sleep at night because the pain was so bad, when I wrote a letter to the kids telling them I loved them because I was worried I was going to finally fall asleep and never wake up again he said, "Maybe you should go to the doctor." So I went, on his one day off in the last two weeks. She confirmed that she was pretty sure it was congestion and prescribed some medication for that but she also sent me for an ultrasound of my calves to make sure their wasn't any blood clots because that is a side effect of the medication. I came back with a clean bill of health. Which I was immensely grateful for although, confirmation that Dr. J is almost always right (I can't tell you how much that annoyed me. Giving that boy more fuel in his "I'm almost always right" bank is not pretty), confirmation that I am a hypochondriac, and the bill for that ultrasound I'm just not looking forward to.
So now I was on the way to recovery but my headache was still pretty bad and my house had fallen into major disrepair as I'd gotten behind. Then two days later Cheetah started puking. I had to completely clear my bed and wash everything three times. She puked on me multiple times. She trapped us in the house and put a hold on any play dates we had planned. By the weekend though things were starting to look up, no one else in the house had appeared to have contracted it, and we were going to be getting back to our normal schedule again. Except then it started to snow, and snow, and snow. The snow was so bad that Sunday they decided to cancel church. We spent the day keeping up on the shoveling so that Dr. J would be able to get out on Monday to go to work. Monday morning we woke up bright and early and I shoveled again while he was in the shower. Then he left and I began the great shut in of 2014.
Here is how my week went:
-We missed five days of school.
-It was so snowy and the roads so bad that we didn't go anywhere, no play dates, no fun places, just here.
-It was so cold that the kids were trapped in the house. No playing outside to siphon off energy. One day Gigi tried to go outside. It was so cold she walked to the playhouse and then walked right back.
-Cheetah decided she wants to be potty trained, but what this basically means is she just don't want to have pant on. Sure she gets about 85% of her pee pees in the potty, but she keeps taking panties, pants, and diapers off (diapers after she peed just a squirt, so that's been fun, throwing tons of barely peed in diapers away), and she's pooped on my floor three days in a row. It gets so annoying that usually by four I've got her in footy pajama's with a safety pin across the zipper so she can't get out.
-Peach started throwing up. The worst thing about Peach throwing up is she wants to eat even when she is sick so she is either eating and throwing up or just on a limited liquid diet and screaming at me that she's hungry and needs me to feed her. She can be screaming this while throwing up. And then just because I want you to understand the craziness, I've seen Cheetah put something that Peach had in her mouth at least four times on the day Peach was throwing up that I just can't imagine she won't get it again.
-Add this to the fact that Dr. J has been gone working everyday, and even working some call shifts so gone for 30 hour chunks with no days off and it is safe to say I'm going nuts.
My kids have watched and played too much media. Because they've been trapped inside they've amused themselves by fighting and destroying the house. Sure we've done our chores and even had Saturday full clean up house day, but when everyone is here all the time it's like trying to catch a hurricane in a butterfly net (can anyone guess which series I've been watching?).
Anyway yesterday as I was cleaning poop off the floor and I had Peach in the bathtub with puke in her hair and I kept having to grab Cheetah out of the tub because she is always trying to drink the bathwater and puke bath work is just too much to bare, and that is when I paused for ten seconds to send this text message to Dr. J, "Today I am hating my life." This is the thing you don't realize as a young twenty something when you think about having children, sure you will love them, sure they will be your life, sure you are willing to sacrifice your body, your sanity, your free time, your sleep and your future for them, but that hat being said there will be times when they will wear you so thin you can't figure out how you will keep going. You will understand why people just get in their car and drive off. You will wonder if you can possibly do just one more day of this. Luckily for you if you can just squeak a few more days in eventually it will get better. Life with children really is like a roller coasters, sometimes you're low, but you will also go high. I cling to that thought right now. Especially while Dr. J is again on call and while I think about my Sunday School class I have to teach who two weeks ago I seriously just wanted to wash my hands of. Let me tell you a secret, 16 and 17 year old boys trying to impress girls are the worst! I mean really, THE WORST! So I expect that as low as I've been if I can just hold out two more days then Monday will come and by God's grace hopefully my schedule will be back to normal. So when I'm cheering on Monday because my kids are back at school and I'm back at the gym, just know, it isn't that I don't love my kids, I do. I just seriously earned that two hours alone for myself going through what I can only hope was the worst week of 2014.
So now I was on the way to recovery but my headache was still pretty bad and my house had fallen into major disrepair as I'd gotten behind. Then two days later Cheetah started puking. I had to completely clear my bed and wash everything three times. She puked on me multiple times. She trapped us in the house and put a hold on any play dates we had planned. By the weekend though things were starting to look up, no one else in the house had appeared to have contracted it, and we were going to be getting back to our normal schedule again. Except then it started to snow, and snow, and snow. The snow was so bad that Sunday they decided to cancel church. We spent the day keeping up on the shoveling so that Dr. J would be able to get out on Monday to go to work. Monday morning we woke up bright and early and I shoveled again while he was in the shower. Then he left and I began the great shut in of 2014.
Here is how my week went:
-We missed five days of school.
-It was so snowy and the roads so bad that we didn't go anywhere, no play dates, no fun places, just here.
-It was so cold that the kids were trapped in the house. No playing outside to siphon off energy. One day Gigi tried to go outside. It was so cold she walked to the playhouse and then walked right back.
-Cheetah decided she wants to be potty trained, but what this basically means is she just don't want to have pant on. Sure she gets about 85% of her pee pees in the potty, but she keeps taking panties, pants, and diapers off (diapers after she peed just a squirt, so that's been fun, throwing tons of barely peed in diapers away), and she's pooped on my floor three days in a row. It gets so annoying that usually by four I've got her in footy pajama's with a safety pin across the zipper so she can't get out.
-Peach started throwing up. The worst thing about Peach throwing up is she wants to eat even when she is sick so she is either eating and throwing up or just on a limited liquid diet and screaming at me that she's hungry and needs me to feed her. She can be screaming this while throwing up. And then just because I want you to understand the craziness, I've seen Cheetah put something that Peach had in her mouth at least four times on the day Peach was throwing up that I just can't imagine she won't get it again.
-Add this to the fact that Dr. J has been gone working everyday, and even working some call shifts so gone for 30 hour chunks with no days off and it is safe to say I'm going nuts.
My kids have watched and played too much media. Because they've been trapped inside they've amused themselves by fighting and destroying the house. Sure we've done our chores and even had Saturday full clean up house day, but when everyone is here all the time it's like trying to catch a hurricane in a butterfly net (can anyone guess which series I've been watching?).
Anyway yesterday as I was cleaning poop off the floor and I had Peach in the bathtub with puke in her hair and I kept having to grab Cheetah out of the tub because she is always trying to drink the bathwater and puke bath work is just too much to bare, and that is when I paused for ten seconds to send this text message to Dr. J, "Today I am hating my life." This is the thing you don't realize as a young twenty something when you think about having children, sure you will love them, sure they will be your life, sure you are willing to sacrifice your body, your sanity, your free time, your sleep and your future for them, but that hat being said there will be times when they will wear you so thin you can't figure out how you will keep going. You will understand why people just get in their car and drive off. You will wonder if you can possibly do just one more day of this. Luckily for you if you can just squeak a few more days in eventually it will get better. Life with children really is like a roller coasters, sometimes you're low, but you will also go high. I cling to that thought right now. Especially while Dr. J is again on call and while I think about my Sunday School class I have to teach who two weeks ago I seriously just wanted to wash my hands of. Let me tell you a secret, 16 and 17 year old boys trying to impress girls are the worst! I mean really, THE WORST! So I expect that as low as I've been if I can just hold out two more days then Monday will come and by God's grace hopefully my schedule will be back to normal. So when I'm cheering on Monday because my kids are back at school and I'm back at the gym, just know, it isn't that I don't love my kids, I do. I just seriously earned that two hours alone for myself going through what I can only hope was the worst week of 2014.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Work Christmas Parties
Every year Dr. J gets invited to two work Christmas parties and every year we don't make it. The first year it was understandable. We'd had a baby 11 weeks early and she was just coming to the end of a two month hospital stay. OK, you get a free pass on that one. The second year Dr. J just didn't bother to ever answer the e-mails or schedule them in. That was not OK. So this year when he got the work Christmas party e-mails he sent me the invites. After confirming he was working a normal schedule and won't be on call I sent the RSVPs immediately and then started searching for a babysitter. It didn't matter that we had a ward Christmas party conflict on one of the dates, WE WERE GOING TO THESE PARTIES! I read another doctor's wife's blog and she was actually annoyed about having to drag herself to their party, but they've been doing them for twenty years, most of their kids have left the nest, and I'm fairly sure she goes to bed by ten. For me, two guaranteed dates with my husband, there was nothing going to stop that.
The night ended with a little stroll by the canal. It was freezing but it was snowing and beautiful. I said to Dr. J, "This would be the perfect time for someone to propose." To which he re-proposed. The power of suggestion ladies, the power of suggestion :) What a great way to cap off the end of the year. I don't know if in twenty years I'll be totally over these parties, but right now they are fun and a great way to get a free date :) Oh and on the babysitting front we used a sitter we'd never used before who works for a couple of our friends. I was a little anxious about the whole thing but when I came home I saw I had nothing to worry about! It was nice to know we have another sitter to add to our list.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Kids Getting Cavities Filled
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Catch Up - Some Things We Do for Fun
We also occasionally do some art here...oh wait is that what you call it. Cheetah really gets into her finger painting!
While Dr. J was on his October break he joined us on a play group to a apple orchard and pumpkin patch. They had these crazy little tire swings in a barn.
Captain E really gets a kick out of carrying his sisters around on his back. Mom secret number 39, I don't mind one bit! One less kid I need to carry!
Who needs a baby backpack when you have shoulders. Our kids have enjoyed many sights from this loft perch. It is one of the reasons I most enjoy having daddy tag along.
How do we measure up to Mr Apple and who is King of the Mountain.
Enjoying a hayride down to the pumpkin patch.
Family shot at the Pumpkin patch...notice we picked up a few extra girls.
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