Something about disposable diapers has always bothered me. I realize that cloth use water and energy but the idea of a disposable that sits on the ground forever, well that just makes me a little sick. I think I can thank those gross people that throw diapers out their car windows in parking lots. I see how those things just sit there and rot for months and months. They don't go anywhere. I imagine it is the same in a landfill somewhere, so with my first daughter I dabbled with cloth diapers. It was definitely far from successful. I got a couple bumpkins and some cushies. I hated them. I was doing
elimination communication with my daughter and I felt like between that and the cloth diapers I always had laundry hanging around. So I gave it up. I hauled my cloth diapers to a friend and went back to disposable until we were finally able to cut the diaper cord completely. With daughter number two I decided to try again. This time I bought some good mama diapers from my favorite site diaperswappers.com. They were ok although incredible expensive and I quickly realized I needed an all in one (a diaper that has a water proof outside). With the help of my sister I found my way to the organic cotton bum genius with snaps. Can I just say that I LOVE THIS DIAPER!
Here is why:
1) Organic cotton, hurray for that. The positive on cotton is the fact that it cleans out better then some of the microfibers do. Some of the other bumgenius have been known to get a stinky buildup.
2)Personally for me snaps are also the way to go. The Velcro is convenient, almost like a disposable, but it has a tendency to pile, and also I've found that the Velcro can scratch my daughter's belly.
3) One size so she can wear it now and wear it in six months!
4) Clean up is a cinch. I just take the soiled diapers and make a small pile on my dryer. Then when the washer is free I throw in a days load. I do a cold wash with
Charlie's Soap and then wash the load again with hot water and no soap. Then I hang the diapers up to dry on my drying wrap.
5) They are trim for a cloth diaper. I'm not going to say they are as trim as a disposable but they are close.
The negatives are as follows.
1) You do have to wash them so you are using water and electricity. You also have the inconvenience of extra laundry.
2) Some people (my mother and hubby) don't like using them. My husband is still like, "Hallelujah I haven't had to use one." And it is true that you are a little more up close and personal with bodily fluids but that is why they invented soap.
3) I have had a couple of times where the cotton on the inside turns out a bit and they've leaked out that way. The same thing has happened with disposable though so that isn't a quitting point.
4) They can be pricey. They are often listed new for $25 dollars and even used people try to sell them for between 19-20. THEY CAN SAVE YOU MONEY THOUGH! Previously I only used Huggie diapers with my girls. Those were the ones that didn't leak and those things are not cheap. Every time I threw a diaper away I thought well there was 19 cents I just threw out. 19 cents adds up. In a day I'd throw a dollar away. In a month thirty. By the end of the year I was up to 360. The one size diapers can be used through your entire changing experience, and then through another child, although if you really wanted to recoup some money you could take them to diaperswappers and sell them. Plus you can look for sales. I found mine for 19 on
global enfant. You can find sales like this all the time by scoping out