Remember that trip we took back in March, well there was a point to that crazy rushed week and the main point was blessing out baby with our friends and family. In a lot of ways I don't feel like we were able to enjoy Cheetah's birth in the way were able to enjoy the birth of our other children so we wanted to make sure that this first major event in her life was done right. We got permission to have her blessed in the ward Dr. J grew up in, his grandparents ward and then we invited all of our Utah family and friends. Grandma Tolman bought her dress just like all the other girls and I got her an adorable headband and the cutest little pink cheetah prints shoes I've ever seen.

Daddy gave her the blessing, and here it is:
Dear Heavenly Father, we gather as a group of Melchizedek Priesthood holders to give this child a name and a blessing. The Name by which she shall be known on the records of the church is ...(If you still don't know it and want to e-mail me). With this name we give her a blessing. We bless her with health, energy and with vitality. We bless her with a love of music. We bless her with intelligence. We bless her with faith and with a love of the scriptures. We bless her that she will have a desire to serve in thy kingdom to bless the lives of others. That she will have a desire to come unto thee, to bring others unto thee as well. We ask for these blessings in addition to any other blessing thou wishes to bestow on her, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.
I'm so grateful for the outpouring of family and friends who came to join us in the event. My only regret, most of them didn't join the circle. I asked Dr. J if he was going to invite people and he said, "They are invited to blessing, they'll know." Turns out most of them didn't. I lay this at the feet of my husband who just isn't a planner, but we are still glad for everyone who came!
Be prepared for picture overload. Can't help it...isn't everyday your baby meets her whole family.
Cheetah and grandpa Bob. I expect she will adore him...all my other girls do!
Momma and baby! Love my little girl!
My cousin Peggy.
Baby Girl and Her Daddy
We had a lunceon planned for after, but for whatever reason I didn't think to take this picture until half the group had already left. Sorry Cheetah here is only half your family who loves you....