Have you ever been curious about what would happen if history had gone a different way. In Fallout Todd Strasser does just that sort of speculation. He takes the cold war anxiety of the 50's and 60's. He has a family build a bomb shelter. The he sets that bomb off. Told from the young son Scott we experience the first two weeks in the bomb shelter as well as flashbacks to both family and historical events that lead up to the dropping of the bombs. When the sirens go off Scott's families home is invaded by neighbors who want to seeking protection in the shelter. His mom is life threateningly injured. Some people make it in, some people are forced out to die. Supplies are tight. Emotions run high but are also punctuated by moments of boredom. It was an interesting read but also sort of a downer. Even just speculating about what life would have been like had we nuked our world to pieces is exceptionally depressing.
The Valley of Amazement - Amy Tan
Speaking of bummer books...thanks a lot Amy Tan. So Tan has written some amazing books. I love her descriptions of mother-daughter relationships and sort of the complications added by being the child of immigrants parents. I should have known from the very beginning though this book was going to a nightmare when I realized it was about a Courtesan House. It follows the lives of a mother and daughter living in China. The mother, a California girl, ran off to China following a Chinese painter who even though she bares him two children will not marry her and shame his family. The husband runs off with the son and leaves her with a 1/2 Chinese daughter who is not really well accepted by either side. With very few options available to her the mother opens a Courtesan House where both Chinese and foreign men frequent to make business deals and interact with beautiful woman. Heartbreak after heartbreak follow for both woman. Years pass. What I really want, the reconciliation of mothers and daughters I don't get until the last 4% of the book. I mean literally, I looked on my kindle when I was finally there. This is what Amy Tan does best but instead she fills this book with page after page of the depravity of man, the inner workings of a courtesan house, and sort of the horrors of being born a poor girl in China at the very beginning of the 20th century. Some of this I was ready for. Some I was like, okay no thanks. There was definitely quite a few skipped pages for me. The truth is I probably would have quit reading but I really wanted that reunion. It ended up not being worth it.
Vengeance - Megan Miranda
Her Dark Curiosity - Megan Shepard
The Solitary House - Lynn Shepard
Lynn Shepard wrote this book to be a contemporary of Charles Dicken's Bleak House. It is as if she wrote her book to live inside the world that we see in Bleak House, so there is a lot of overlap in places and even some of the characters. I was happy because I love the world Dickens exposes but I don't always enjoy wadding through the Victorian language. Is that horrible to admit? It is!!! I know it, but I just want my stories to be exciting and to the point and Victorian Language sometimes takes a little longer to get there then I have patience for. I enjoyed this book because it was a good grimy English murder mystery with a quirky engaging detective. The subject matter is dark though and the backdrop rather grim and the villains just utterly vile so if that is not your cup of tea I would not recommend it.
The Total Money Makeover - Dave Ramsey
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth - Reza Aslan
I am so glad I found your blog. Well, really I followed a link from one of Bridget's post several weeks ago. I enjoy reading about your life...you often amuse me, and I love your enthusiasm and honesty.
ReplyDeleteI don't know that a post on book reviews has ever touched me so much. Thank you for sharing from your heart about how these books challenged you (in the cases of Ramsey and Aslan) and made you cry. I hope one day you will have your turn....I will be cheering you on from here.
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