Sunday, March 4, 2012

Being Elmo

It's been forever since I've done one of these, but here goes.  Just got finished watching this on Netflix and I loved it.  Have you ever wondered who the person is behind the dancing puppet, or are the characters as believable for you as they are for your children that you just don't care?  Well now you can see the person behind Elmo...and it turns out Elmo is a man named Kevin Clash.  Say what?  Did you just say that Elmo is a grown man?  Well yes I did, a grown man who happens to be quite the accomplished puppeteer.  While the rest of us were watching Sesame Street learning the ABC and our 123's Kevin was fascinated by the puppets and decided he wanted to be a puppeteer.  It wasn't always easy.  Think high school boy and puppets and I'm sure you can imagine some of Kevin's troubles but he continued on.  This movie really made me reevalute what it means to know what you want to do when you grow up and what it means to be a supportive parent.  Kevin's parents were amazing, I mean truly, way to help your child go for it.  Also I cried.  Thanks, crazy nursing hormones.

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