Oh the squeezers, aren't these babies lovely looking. Turns out when you get put on bed rest they try to reduce the chance of blood clots with this lovely machine. I'm suppose to wear them when I'm sleeping and I wear them occasionally in the day. They aren't horrible, it almost feels like a massage but at night time they get pretty hot. I managed to leave them on though and when the resident came in this morning she congratulated me on my compliance. Dr. J says most patients hate them and it isn't uncommon for them to pull them off in the middle of the night. He said he often finds them kicked down at the foot of the bed. Naughty patients :) Today is just more of the same. I've now gone to the triage area twice to do baby stress test. Wow it is amazing the stuff you hear in there. They make such a big deal about HIPPA in the hospital, especially when it comes to stuff on the computer that you kind of forget that just hearing things is probably a violation. And yet when someone is giving birth just a curtain away, how are you not going to hear that. I'm trying to keep myself busy and uninterested by reading. In two hours though I've almost completed my book for my ward book group. No More Goodbyes, Circling the Wagons around Our Gay Loved Ones, by Carol Lynn Pearson. This has been a really interesting book that totally deserves it's own post but I'll have to get to that later. Meanwhile, I'm going to be looking for some new books to read. Here are some I'm going to try and get my hands on....

Probably a good thing I don't have a kindle...I'd be downloading books like a mad woman :) Anyone else have any book suggestions? I'm all eyes and computer this month so let me know! I got to talk to my kids today. Grandma was going to bring them in to see me but poor little Gigi has come down with a pretty nasty cold. So instead we had some phone time. Gigi was so cute it hurt my heart. "Mama, I'm so sorry. I was going to come and see you but I got sick. And I don't want to get you sick. I want you to be ok. So now I can't come see you, but I really did want to see you. I really want to see you mama. I love you mama. I'm sorry mama." Oh how it hurts even now just to think about. I hope she gets better soon because I so want to give this little girl a big squeeze! Then there was Peach. "Hi mama," she yells, and then "let go, I have the phone." Then I sing twinkle, twinkle to her and she belts it out. Then without a goodbye she passes the phone over to Captain E. "Hi mom." He tells me. "Did you get to play wii today I ask him." "Yes," he says, and then as I start to say, "Awesome," the kid screams out "Awesome!" and then starts laughing hysterically. Have I gotten so predictable? Then he tells me Grandma took them to Costco and that she bought him a smoothie and that he left it in the car. As mom I said, "Um sweetie that's gross, it's going to be all melted." "Mom," he says, "Don't you know melted smoothies are the best." Oh kids! Dr. J stopped by as well before he headed home. So obviously life is not ideal but what a blessing that honey can stop by for 20 or 30 minutes a night before he heads home to give the kids a little parental love before they go to bed. I'm so grateful for e-mail, text, and phone that keep me connected to him, but it is also nice to see his face! We will survive! Thanks to everyone who is calling, stopping by, dropping off food, and praying for us. I feel so lucky to have such a strong support group, even with many of you so far away! We love you guys so much!
Shall we have book club at the hospital?
ReplyDeletenot that it's my call or anything.
ReplyDeleteCrystal!! How have I never come across your blog (at least that I remember)? Well, I'm having a night reading it! JaNae just told me you are expecting, so I searched and searched for your blog on blogsearch, with no luck (but I remembered our conversation about the need for privacy, etc.) and the I remembered you made a comment way back that I never responded to--so I found that comment and now I've found you. I like your writing and your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the baby!! I feel bad you're stuck in the hospital dealing with pre-mature labor. Bummer.
We miss you so much! I often think about you, and wonder what you would have done in certain situations (like for Primary stuff), how things would be different if you were president. How did you do it, Crystal? Sometimes I feel like I'm just staying afloat. Anyway, you still inspire me though you're far away and though I've been doing this for like a year and a half.
I'm excited to visit your blog more!