She is a champion sleeper. Well at least at night. We get a full nights sleep out of her. Her daytime naps are much harder to squeeze in. Each kid gets a progressively worse nap schedule. That first one has two regimented naps a day. The second, got one. The third slept in the car while I was picking kids up from school. The forth is lucky to catche some zzz's while nursing. Yesterday she didn't fall asleep until 5:30. When Dr. J came home from work to change she woke up. "Do you know that is the first time she got to sleep today," I whined in a sort of frantic high pitched voice. It must of sounded desperate because he was quick with a million, "I'm sorrys." "Tell the baby," I said as she screamed her little heart out.
We are moving all over the place. If you put her on a blanket on the floor you will find her someplace else. I wouldn't say she is crawling but she gets up on her toes and arms and then pushes herself forward until her body slams forward onto the ground. Then she starts the process all over again. With that and rolling she can slowly get pretty much anywhere she needs to go. The bed, top of the stairs, and the changing table have become much less friendly places, as have table and chair legs. Her jerky little movements mean she has a good chance of slamming her face into anything at head level.
Milk is no longer Cheetah's only food item. This week we introduced rice cereal. Every first bite goes like this first blurry one, captured by dad, but then she settles in for the long haul. I have not had a single child who likes rice cereal but this one eats with gusto. Hands wave everywhere and cereal is soon covering her face, hands, chair, bib. We give her a little spoon to try and distract her from the one entering her mouth but it somehow manages to get covered as well.
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