Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas 2012 Photo Shoot

Before we left for Utah this Christmas we were able to sneak in a mini session photo shoot with my neighbor/photographer/friend Jessica (who is totally amazing).  I was able to get my hands on four of the shots and put together a Christmas card for the family in one hour at the  Okay technically the card took me about four minutes to do.  I just looked for a card that had four picture slots, pulled my four pictures in and then added the names.  I then spent the next 43 minutes entering address (which are now all saved on their account).  I used a 70% off code and had them sent directly to my friends/families address and in an hour I had family Christmas cards sent to 40 people for 25 bucks!  Amazing.  Then while we were on vacation Jessica sent me the rest of the shots from the photo shoot.  I LOVED THEM SO MUCH!  Here are a few of my favorites so you can see why I'm so excited about them!


  1. I loved your card. And I love all these pictures. And I admire you for driving across the country by yourself and four kids—holy smokes, girl! Hope you had a Merry Christmas!



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