Gigi turns four today. Just in case you were wondering we are still alone, but luckily daddy flies in at 9:30 tonight so tomorrow we are going out to watch Tangled. Should be great. I've heard it is the best Disney Movie in years. It will be fun to celebrate all the changes Gigi has gone through this. She went from non talker to a chatter box. She went from a bossy, grabby toddler to great sharer, really loving, caring, sweet big sister and little sister. Gigi loves to laugh, read, draw, play mam with dolls. She enjoys preschool. Dr. J and I put her in the Child Development Lab preschool at the University this year. It is awesome. Monday was parent teach conference. They had put together a portfolio for each child with all the different developmental areas, pictures, and observations. It was great to see everything she has been up to this year. The night I got it I had her explain all the different sections to me. Listening to her explanations was incredible. She knew exactly what each picture was and told me all about the important things she's been learning this year. I LOVED IT!!! Here are some of the pictures from the porfollio.

Gigi loves beading. Apparently she pics the animal beads which are much harder to bead. She is determined though. This particular necklace she made for me. She really is a loving girl. |
She made these binoculars at school along with a set for Peach. She is so good about sharing. |
They have a table in the room that is always filled with something, sand, water, for a week it was filled with ground coffee and animals. Gigi loved the smell of that coffee. She loved sitting at the table and organizing the animals. She had fun building families, a mom, dad, and lots of babies. She enjoys counting the families. |
There is a loft in the room that has babies, a kitchen, make believe clothes. Gigi loves this area of the room. She is very loving to her babies, feeding them, changing them, asking people to be quiet when they are sleeping. |
They do things like cut play dough in class. Gigi has a weird way of holding the scissors, she gets it done though. |
This is Gigi's best friend at school. Her name is Enping and they like to do art projects together. |
Gigi is one of the braver kids in class. When fire lady Heather came to class Gigi was one of the only kids willing to approach her and then she wanted to know how the mask and hat worked. |
Regardless of what this picture says Gigi loved putting this fire truck together. |
More painting. She is fiercely protective of these projects. |
Gigi put this three little pigs play on for the other kids in her class with two other girls. So cute! |
The girls love to pull each other up the slide. Aren't these girls cuties. |
Coffee can stilts, the girl has good large motor skills. |
Playing stop go the other kids in the class. Doesn't she look happy being in charge :) |
Like I said, good large motor kills :) Anyway this was just some of the stuff in her portfolio, so fun to see what she is doing. Along with this her teacher's gave me fun ideas to help her grow. Awesome preschool, awesome daughter, happy mom :)
Are her teachers Julie and Gerry? I LOVE CDL. Gwen was so happy there.