Saturday, September 4, 2010

1st Day of School

G Bear started preschool this week.  She was so excited.  She got new tennis shoes, she talked them up for weeks to anyone who would listen.  Then she was so excited about the backpack.  She loves seeing Captain E take his backpack to school.  She has wanted one for weeks.  Finally she got to shop in my closet.  We have a walk in closet where I keep a tub of clothes for each kid.  Jeans, t-shirts, sweaters, shorts.  Stuff I pick up at garage sales, stuff I pick up at the end of season when it is a dollar or two.  I let G Bear get into the tub to pick stuff out for school.  Her first outfit she insisted on wearing that day.  She sat in the back rubbing her pants.  She kept saying, "I love you mama.  I love you mama!"  Seriously scary.  Watch out world.  Drop off was a cinch.  She was momentarily quiet but then ran off to the toys.  She was happy.  I was happy as well, but even though this is my forth time taking a kid to first day of school it was my first with G Bear and I definitely felt a tug of grief.  My kids won't stop growing :(


  1. I agree. It's really bittersweet when our kids get older and learn new things.
    I can't believe how big she's getting. It looks like she's grown a ton.

  2. ahhh... so sweet! Amazing, I remember, I was talking with you on the way to drop her off.



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